GF logo

GF 270

Gulf Air


Al Hadd





On time

4h 30m



On time


Might rain in Kochi


AQI 109

+2h 30m Timezone Difference



Thu, 27 Mar

Local Time (AST)


Thu, 27 Mar

Arrival in Kochi is 2h 30m ahead the departure city time

Flight Performance



Based on data for the past 15 days


What is the current status of the flight Gulf Air GF270?

Gulf Air GF270 current status is Scheduled

When and where does the flight GF270 depart from?

The flight departs from Bahrain Intl (BAH) at 21:05 on Wed, 26 Mar

What is the flight GF270 checkin counter?

The flight checkin counter is E

What is the departure terminal and gate of the flight GF270?

The flight will depart from Terminal T1, from gate 14A

Is the departure on time?

The current status for departure is "On time"

When and where does the flight GF270 arrive?

The flight will arrive at Cochin (COK) at 04:05 on Thu, 27 Mar

What is the arrival terminal of Gulf Air GF270?

The arrival terminal is T3

Is the arrival on time?

The current deviation status for arrival is "On time"

How long is the flight duration of flight GF270?

The flight duration is approximately 4h 30m

What is the expected weather in Cochin upon arrival?

The weather forecast for Cochin is "Clouds" with a temperature of 29°C. Might rain in Kochi.

What is the humidity level in Cochin?

The humidity in Cochin is 71%

How reliable is the flight in terms of on-time performance?

The flight has an on-time accuracy rate of 93%

What is the time difference between Al Hadd and Kochi?

Kochi is 2h 30m ahead of Al Hadd

What time will it be in Al Hadd when the flight arrives in Kochi?

It will be 01:35 in Bahrain Intl when the flight arrives in Cochin at Thu, 27 Mar

What is the route of the flight?

The route of the flight is Al Hadd to Kochi. Book your return Kochi to Al Hadd flight from ixigo and get exclusive coupons and discount

How can I check the status of other flights or book a new flight?

To check the status of any other flight, visit our Flight Status Page. If you'd like to book a new flight, head over to our Flight Booking Page. We provide real-time updates, flexible booking options, and detailed information for all flights in the world

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