68181 Baleshwar - Baripada Memu Running Status
Get 68181 Baleshwar - Baripada Memu train live running status. 68181 Baleshwar - Baripada Memu train runs from Balasore (BLS) to Baripada (BPO) on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun. 68181 train covers 11 stations. The departure time for 68181 Baleshwar - Baripada Memu from Balasore is 14:50. The arrival time to Baripada is . The total distance covered by Baleshwar - Baripada Memu is 69 Km on its route. Check real-time train running status of other trains from Balasore to Baripada. Get free cancellation on train ticket booking of Baleshwar - Baripada Memu - 68181.
Arrived 34min early
Reached Baripada at
Updated 1hr 45min ago
Station | Arrival Status Actual/Scheduled | Departure Status Actual/Scheduled | Delay | PF/Halt | |
Balasore - | Source | 14:50 14:50 | On Time | 4 Source | |
TIKIRAPAL HALT 5 km | 14:56 | 14:57 | On Time | - 1min | |
HALDIPADA 11 km | 15:04 | 15:05 | On Time | - 1min | |
Rupsa Jn 17 km | 15:13 | 15:15 | On Time | - 2min | |
THAKURTOTA 24 km | 15:23 | 15:24 | On Time | 1 1min | |
JUGPURA 30 km | 15:30 | 15:31 | On Time | 1 1min | |
JOGAL 35 km | 15:36 | 15:37 | On Time | 1 1min | |
Betnoti 41 km | 15:44 | 15:45 | On Time | - 1min | |
KRISHNA CH PURA 53 km | 15:57 | 15:58 | On Time | 1 1min | |
Jamsole 59 km | 16:04 | 16:05 | On Time | 1 1min | |
Baripada 69 km | 16:20 | Destination | On Time | 1 Destination |
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. Is Baleshwar - Baripada Memu 68181 train running or not?
A. Baleshwar - Baripada Memu 68181 train starts from Balasore at 14:50. Check online on our website whether it is running or not. Get real-time information on your mobile
Q. Where is Baleshwar - Baripada Memu 68181 train now?
A. Check the location of Baleshwar - Baripada Memu 68181 train on our website. Get real-time notifications of train location on your mobile with help of ixigo trains app . Set station alarm on arrival time at any one of 11 stations
Q. What is the last stop for Baleshwar - Baripada Memu 68181 train?
A. The last stop for Baleshwar - Baripada Memu 68181 train is Baripada(BPO). The train reaches Baripada at