57405 Tpty Kpd Passenger Running Status
Get 57405 Tpty Kpd Passenger train live running status. 57405 Tpty Kpd Passenger train runs from Tirupati (TPTY) to Kadridevarpalli (KRYP) on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. 57405 train covers 39 stations. The departure time for 57405 Tpty Kpd Passenger from Tirupati is 23:55. The arrival time to Kadridevarpalli is 12:35. The total distance covered by Tpty Kpd Passenger is 536 Km on its route. Check real-time train running status of other trains from Tirupati to Kadridevarpalli. Get free cancellation on train ticket booking of Tpty Kpd Passenger - 57405.
This train has been cancelled for the selected date.
Station | Arrival Status Actual/Scheduled | Departure Status Actual/Scheduled | Delay | PF/Halt | |
Tirupati - | Source | 23:55 | Cancelled | 4 Source | |
CHANDRAGIRI 11 km | 00:08 | 00:09 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
PANAPAKAM 29 km | 00:22 | 00:23 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Pakala Jn 41 km | 00:30 | 00:32 | Cancelled | - - | |
DAMALCHERUVU 49 km | 00:39 | 00:40 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Piler 82 km | 01:08 | 01:10 | Cancelled | - - | |
Madanapalle Rd 124 km | 01:44 | 01:45 | Cancelled | - - | |
Mulacalacheruvu 164 km | 02:24 | 02:25 | Cancelled | - - | |
NALLACHERUVU 191 km | 02:44 | 02:45 | Cancelled | - - | |
Kadiri 202 km | 03:14 | 03:15 | Cancelled | - - | |
MUDIGUBBA 234 km | 03:39 | 03:40 | Cancelled | - - | |
CHINNEKUNTAPALI 254 km | 03:59 | 04:00 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Dharmavaram Jn 269 km | 04:55 | 05:00 | Cancelled | - - | |
CHIGICHERLA 280 km | 05:14 | 05:15 | Cancelled | - - | |
ZANGALAPALLE 290 km | 05:24 | 05:25 | Cancelled | - - | |
Prasannayanapal 299 km | 05:34 | 05:35 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Anantapur 302 km | 06:28 | 06:30 | Cancelled | - - | |
TATICHERLA 310 km | 06:36 | 06:37 | Cancelled | - - | |
GARLADINNE 319 km | 06:43 | 06:44 | Cancelled | - - | |
Kalluru 330 km | 06:53 | 06:55 | Cancelled | - - | |
Khadarpet 338 km | 07:03 | 07:04 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Imampuram 343 km | 07:07 | 07:08 | Cancelled | - - | |
VENKATAMPALLE 349 km | 07:11 | 07:12 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
GULAPALYAMU 359 km | 07:21 | 07:22 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
HANUMAN STATION 367 km | 07:26 | 07:27 | Cancelled | - - | |
Guntakal Jn 370 km | 07:55 | 08:00 | Cancelled | - - | |
BANTANAHAL 382 km | 08:14 | 08:15 | Cancelled | - - | |
SANKARAGUMMANUR HALT 386 km | 08:18 | 08:19 | Cancelled | - - | |
BEVINAHALU 389 km | 08:23 | 08:24 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
TSAKIBANDA 393 km | 08:27 | 08:28 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
VIRAPUR 398 km | 08:33 | 08:34 | Cancelled | - - | |
HAGARI 406 km | 08:44 | 08:45 | Cancelled | - - | |
Ballari Jn 420 km | 09:48 | 09:50 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
OBALAPURAM 435 km | 10:09 | 10:10 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
SOMALAPURAM 450 km | 10:30 | 10:31 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
RAYADRUG 474 km | 11:03 | 11:05 | Cancelled | - - | |
Avuladatla 488 km | 11:20 | 11:22 | Cancelled | - - | |
Kalyanadurga 513 km | 11:45 | 11:46 | Cancelled | - - | |
Kadridevarpalli 536 km | 12:35 | Destination | Cancelled | - Destination |
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. Is Tpty Kpd Passenger 57405 train running or not?
A. Tpty Kpd Passenger 57405 train starts from Tirupati at 23:55. Check online on our website whether it is running or not. Get real-time information on your mobile
Q. Where is Tpty Kpd Passenger 57405 train now?
A. Check the location of Tpty Kpd Passenger 57405 train on our website. Get real-time notifications of train location on your mobile with help of ixigo trains app . Set station alarm on arrival time at any one of 39 stations
Q. What is the last stop for Tpty Kpd Passenger 57405 train?
A. The last stop for Tpty Kpd Passenger 57405 train is Kadridevarpalli(KRYP). The train reaches Kadridevarpalli at 12:35