54043 Jind Hsr Passenger Running Status
Get 54043 Jind Hsr Passenger train live running status. 54043 Jind Hsr Passenger train runs from Jind Jn (JIND) to Hisar (HSR) on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. 54043 train covers 39 stations. The departure time for 54043 Jind Hsr Passenger from Jind Jn is . The arrival time to Hisar is 01:50. The total distance covered by Jind Hsr Passenger is 327 Km on its route. Check real-time train running status of other trains from Jind Jn to Hisar. Get free cancellation on train ticket booking of Jind Hsr Passenger - 54043.
This train has been cancelled for the selected date.
Station | Arrival Status Actual/Scheduled | Departure Status Actual/Scheduled | Delay | PF/Halt | |
Jind Jn - | Source | 17:25 | Cancelled | 1 Source | |
Barsola 8 km | 17:33 | 17:34 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Uchana 18 km | 17:43 | 17:44 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Ghaso 26 km | 17:52 | 17:53 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Narwana Jn 33 km | 18:00 | 18:01 | Cancelled | 3 - | |
DHARODI 41 km | 18:09 | 18:10 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
DHAMTAN SAHIB 48 km | 18:18 | 18:19 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
KALWAN 52 km | 18:25 | 18:26 | Cancelled | - - | |
Tohana 59 km | 18:32 | 18:33 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
HIMMATPURA 64 km | 18:39 | 18:40 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Jakhal Jn 72 km | 18:49 | 18:51 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
KAGANGARH 80 km | 19:00 | 19:01 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Bareta 85 km | 19:07 | 19:08 | Cancelled | 2 - | |
DATEWAS 93 km | 19:16 | 19:17 | Cancelled | 2 - | |
Budhlada 101 km | 19:24 | 19:25 | Cancelled | 2 - | |
NARINDARPURA 109 km | 19:33 | 19:34 | Cancelled | - - | |
Mansa 117 km | 19:42 | 19:43 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Sadda Singhwala 125 km | 19:51 | 19:52 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Kotli Kalan 128 km | 19:57 | 19:58 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Maur 136 km | 20:04 | 20:05 | Cancelled | 2 - | |
Maisar Khana 144 km | 20:13 | 20:14 | Cancelled | - - | |
Kot Fatteh 151 km | 20:21 | 20:22 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Katar Singhwala 160 km | 20:26 | 20:27 | Cancelled | - - | |
Bathinda Jn 169 km | 21:55 | 22:20 | Cancelled | 2 - | |
Gahri Bhagi 180 km | 22:35 | 22:36 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
SHERGARH 186 km | 22:42 | 22:44 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Manwala Kot Bak 189 km | 22:50 | 22:51 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Bangi Nihalsngh 192 km | 22:56 | 22:57 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Raman 198 km | 23:02 | 23:04 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Ratangrh Knkwal 204 km | 23:12 | 23:13 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Kalanwali 212 km | 23:20 | 23:22 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
SUKHCHAIN 220 km | 23:31 | 23:32 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
BARA GUDAH 227 km | 23:38 | 23:40 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Sirsa 245 km | 00:05 | 00:10 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Suchan Kotli 260 km | 00:22 | 00:23 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
DING 270 km | 00:31 | 00:33 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Bhattu 281 km | 00:42 | 00:44 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Mandi Adampur 298 km | 00:58 | 01:00 | Cancelled | 1 - | |
Hisar 327 km | 01:50 | Destination | Cancelled | 4 Destination |
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. Is Jind Hsr Passenger 54043 train running or not?
A. Jind Hsr Passenger 54043 train starts from Jind Jn at . Check online on our website whether it is running or not. Get real-time information on your mobile
Q. Where is Jind Hsr Passenger 54043 train now?
A. Check the location of Jind Hsr Passenger 54043 train on our website. Get real-time notifications of train location on your mobile with help of ixigo trains app . Set station alarm on arrival time at any one of 39 stations
Q. What is the last stop for Jind Hsr Passenger 54043 train?
A. The last stop for Jind Hsr Passenger 54043 train is Hisar(HSR). The train reaches Hisar at 01:50