Howrah - Midnapore Local 38831 Seat Availability
Looking for 38831 Seat Availability? Book confirmed train ticket for Howrah - Midnapore Local 38831 after checking seat availability easily on ixigo. Howrah - Midnapore Local 38831 train runs on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun & runs 7 days per week. 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local starts its journey from Howrah Jn and ends at Midnapore and crosses 35 stations with ${totalTrainCoaches} coaches. The total distance covered by Howrah - Midnapore Local is 128 Km. Howrah - Midnapore Local 38831 departs from the origin at 20:25 and arrives at the destination at 23:55. Check the train seat availability and fare before booking your train ticket. Check 38831 live running status on every train station.
- Howrah Jn
- Tikiapara
- Dashnagar
- Ramrajatala
- Santragachi Jn
- Maurigram
- Andul
- Sankrall
- Abada
- Nalpur
- Bauria Jn
- Chengel
- Phuleswar
- Ulubaria
- Bir Shibpur
- Kulgachia
- Bagnan
- Ghoraghata
- Deulti
- Kolaghat
- Mecheda
- Bhogpur
- Panskura
- Khirai
- Haur
- Radhamohanpur
- Duan
- Balichak
- Shyam Chak
- Madpur
- Jakpur
- Kharagpur Jn
- Girimaidan
- Gokulpur
- Midnapore
- Howrah Jn
- Tikiapara
- Dashnagar
- Ramrajatala
- Santragachi Jn
- Maurigram
- Andul
- Sankrall
- Abada
- Nalpur
- Bauria Jn
- Chengel
- Phuleswar
- Ulubaria
- Bir Shibpur
- Kulgachia
- Bagnan
- Ghoraghata
- Deulti
- Kolaghat
- Mecheda
- Bhogpur
- Panskura
- Khirai
- Haur
- Radhamohanpur
- Duan
- Balichak
- Shyam Chak
- Madpur
- Jakpur
- Kharagpur Jn
- Girimaidan
- Gokulpur
- Midnapore
Runs on
SMTWTFSFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. How can I check Tatkal seat availability in 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local?
A. You can view seat availability in 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local for four months from the date of checking.
Q. Do I need station codes to check the seat availability in 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local?
A. No, you just need to input the names of the Origin Howrah Jn and the Destination Midnapore station to check the seat availability in 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local.
Q. How can I check the seat availability for various types of coaches in 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local?
A. To check seat availability in the various coaches of 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local, follow these steps:
• Go to https: //
• Under “BOOK TRAINS”, select the From station, To station, the date of journey and hit the search button.
• Scroll down to the option of 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local.
From the list of coaches - SL, 3A, 2A and 1A - select the desired coach and you’ll be able to view the seat availability for 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local on the desired date of journey.Q. How can I check Tatkal seat availability in 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local?
A. To check tatkal seat availability in 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local, follow these steps:
• To check seat availability in 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local, visit
• Click “SEARCH BY NAME/NUMBER” and enter the train name or number.
• Click “Tatkal” in the Quota drop down and hit the search button.
• Now you can view the train seat availability.
Q. How can I check seat availability in 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local?
A. To check seat availability in 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local, follow these steps:
• To check seat availability in 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local, visit
• Now you can view the seat availability in 38831 Howrah - Midnapore Local.
• Select a date and book your tickets.