Your Travel Guide To Leh – The Land of Dreams

If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet he said” – Rachel Wolchin

Juley! (Greetings in Ladakhi)

Leh, a fallen piece of heaven on earth is home to bluer-than-blue lakes, numerous trekking trails, stark grey mountains, and clean azure sky. It is nothing less than the reality of our childhood imaginations where the glittering river flows out of alluring mountains and the sun shines brightly just above it.

But hey wait! Before you decide to visit the land of Buddhist monasteries, here is a ‘Glimpse of Leh‘ that will help you to explore this piece of paradise in a better way.

leh1Perfect For: Adventure Enthusiasts & Nature Lovers

The best of Leh

Pangong Tso Lake

This famous attraction in Leh looks like a perfectly painted portrait. Interestingly, one-third of Pangong Tso lake falls in India and the rest in Tibet.

leh2Lamayuru Monastery

Enlist this place in your itinerary as the Lamayuru Monastery is known to be the oldest as well as the largest in Ladakh.

leh3Leh Palace

The 17th century Leh Palace is the finest example of the medieval Tibetan architecture. One gets to enjoy the spectacular views of Ladakh mountain range and Stok Kangri from here.

Untitled-20Things to do in the capital of Ladakh

Because my friend, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”- Anon

leh5 Celebrate life in the valley with these unique festivals

leh9Yummy in your tummy

leh-8 How to take your steps towards Leh

You can fly to Leh from Delhi, Srinagar, Mumbai, Jammu, etc. on a regular basis. Your other option is to drive by using the Manali-Leh highway or Srinagar-Leh highway from June to October.

 Let’s pack for the trip

PS: Also, don’t forget to carry lots of energy bars + medical kit + photo-identity proof + spare batteries for your camera

Note It Down:

> No alcohol only water: Breathing in dry air drains the moisture from your lungs, so consume 4-5 litres of water to stay hydrated.

> Prepaid SIM cards don’t work well in Leh, so carry a postpaid SIM.

>  Avoid using plastic bags as it is officially banned here.

> There are several ATMs installed in Leh but place like Pangong do not have ATM facilities. So don’t forget to carry cash.  

Stay like a local: (highly recommended)

Ditch the idea of staying in a hotel and opt for a homestay. It is an epic way to understand Ladakhi culture and you also get a rare chance to experience the hospitality of the local people.

Bonus Point: All these and more within your budget! How cool right?

Best time to plan a holiday in Leh

leh7  Speak like a local with these Ladhaki words and phrases

Also, don’t try to do everything in less time. Leh is not a place that you can see hurriedly. Here I leave you with some motivation, read along…

Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing the lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain” – Jack Kerouac

Till we meet again, happy travels!