Women On The Go – ixigo Women’s Day Special

Lakshmi Sharath – travel for the love of culture.

When you funnel the skills of a photographer and a storyteller into one person you get Lakshmi Sharath – the culture buff who loves to travel.

Lakshmi has been travelling for a while now. In college, for work and forever after. She is more of a culture enthusiast who has adventure tales of travelling with a group of strangers from Lonavala to Mumbai, years back, when the idea of mobile phones and connectivity was unknown of.

Europe is safe. March/April is a good time for wildlife. She is full of travel info and tips. Blend in with the local people and surroundings, she says. Lakshmi says parents should be okay with children traveling alone. They are just concerned, so all you have to do is to keep in touch.

She is a columnist with the Metro Plus, The Hindu. She wants to explore the world although the nooks of India excite her as much.


Shikha Gautam – the nomad scribbles.

A curious traveller and a nomad at heart, if she was born a couple of centuries back, she’d be on Columbus’s team for sure.

Bikes, roads, adventure sports and more roads, this is Shikha’s bucket list. And of course Bhutan – her dream destination. Travelling alone is like a journey to discover oneself for her. You learn the most about yourself when you travel by yourself – as a planner, a dreamer and as a survivor, she says.

Her first experience in this journey was a little expedition when she survived a quick voyage from Haridwar to Dehradun. Obviously on her own and, of course, on a bike. Yet, the moment when she felt her heart in her mouth was when she stood on her toes, on a mountaintop at Bir. Right before she flew into the sky, paragliding.

She also loves to write. Short anecdotes are the heroes of her blog. There are tons of pictures amongst other things that help other travellers plan their trips.


Ankita Sinha – with wings of an explorer.

Picture an empty blue sky stretched across the whole universe. And a tiny bird flying, in a rather stylish sway from one end to the other. A free bird that explores the unknown. Her fears dissolve here, her heart turns brave, and she discovers a whole new world. Her world.

Meet Ankita Sinha. A traveller who has a crush on the flamboyant turquoise blue sea at Maldives adores the people of Darjeeling and thinks that adventure sports rhymes with two words – Himachal and Karnataka. Greece and Spain are her dreams destinations.

An all India road trip covering 8600 km in 18 days, backpacking at Maldives, and walking on the half frozen Pangong Lake are only few of her many expeditions. Yet, she has had her share of I’ve-got-to-travel-for-work excuses to convince parents too.

The others are mentioned on her blog. She has something new to share about every place she visits. There’s one on why Bihar isn’t a boring place. Beat that?


Prianka and Divya – your local tour guides in town.

This is the story of two girls playing hide and seek. Just that the entire city of Delhi is their playground.

That’s exactly the reason why they know Delhi inside out – every nook and every corner. They say a group of girls travelling together is like an extended girl’s night out. The fun part is that you can be a part of their little tours.

Prianka and Divya have been travelling since kids. With travelling come new experiences and it’s an awesome way to learn about the world, they say. After a glamorous advertising career, the two have set out to follow their heart and just travel. Exploring Delhi and sharing their discoveries with people is what makes them different from other travellers. Some discoveries are on their blog and the others they reveal in their guided tours.

Apart from their love for Delhi, they share a love for the ocean too. That makes Boracay a favourite hangout for the two. Sailing, cliff diving, parasailing, kite boarding and a seafood binge, all put together make a perfect holiday destination for them.


Through the lens – Mridula Dwivedi.

Colourful birds, lofty mountains (also snowcapped), pretty junk jewellery and delicious food – are pose for this avid traveller. The nature is by far her favourite model. No wonder she doesn’t travel alone and takes her camera along wherever she goes. With all these pictures and stories, reading her blog is like reading a story book.

Her love for nature tossed together with a passion for photography and adventure is what drives this seeker. In this maddening world, Mridula finds space for herself and her thoughts when she travels. But that doesn’t mean that she isn’t hungry for adventure. Trekking all the way up to Everest Base Camp in Nepal and coming back in one piece is one of the biggest of them all.

Mridula says that establishing a trust level between parents/spouses assures them that you can take care of yourself when alone. But after December 16, convincing people at home has become a bigger challenge, she adds.

She prefers offbeat, lesser crowded destinations like Spiti, Prashar Lake, Nepal, Shringi Vatika etc and Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Manali and Gulmarg top the next travel plans for Mridula.




‘Digital ninja’ at heart, Saumya loves to read, eat and travel to offbeat places.