Why January Is The Monday Of The Year?

That time of the year is here again when Santa Claus has waved us goodbye, new year is more than 300 days away, and there is so much to achieve in the coming year, which is actually kind of sombering. Well doesn’t January feel like a typical Monday? Yes, it certainly does where all the parties come to an end, and you have a set of targets to achieve for the remaining weeks. Still not convinced?

Ok, read on and know why January is the Monday of the year.

Return to the same old life

After partying so hard for the new year, you are stuck again with the same old routine. Yes, we understand; like Monday, the 1st month of the year makes all of us sulky!


New year (week), new me

January is the month where we all make a list of resolutions like every Monday; isn’t it? How? Like January, we start afresh on Mondays, though we screw it up every time! And then we conclude at the end of each year or week that nothing has really changed!


No more holidays

When weekend comes to an end, we sulk our way into the rest of the week. That’s the same for January but wait; we can’t let you feel depressed! Do check this image for 16 long weekends in 2018 and feel happy instead.


Never ending month

Like when we enter Monday we feel the remaining 4 days won’t pass, same goes for January when it comes with 31 long days.


Fat fatter fattest

After gorging on some yummy Christmas food we all have put on some extra weight ( “some” to console ourselves ). And yes now we regret it, like waking up on Mondays and regretting over the same about the weekend.


We guess now you believe why Mondays and the month of January are so similar. And don’t forget to read Why December is the Friday of the year? Till then, don’t sulk, new year is just 362 day away..haha!