Trends & Analysis


A last minute plan is always plagued with uncertainties like waitlisted tickets or unavailability of tickets. That is when the new ixigo trains app comes handy in gettings your plans in place. Apart from giving confirmation predictions for a given ticket, ixigo trains app allows you to view the status of your PNRs on the basis of similar PNRs from past records.

What information of a waitlisted PNR gives insight into the confirmation scenario of the corresponding journey?

Here is a concise list:

1. Initial waiting number:

If booking status of a ticket while booking is, "GNWL 50/WL 15" this means -

  • The WL numbers started from 50 (this was the initial waiting number).
  • The current WL number is 15.
  • 35 people have already cancelled their reservation.
  • 15 people need to cancel their reservation in order for you to get a confirmed ticket.
  • Every time a cancellation is made there will be an effect on the WL 15 number (it will reduce), however GNWL 50 will remain unchanged.

2. Days before journey:

This is the number of days between the journey date and ticket booking date. The higher the value of this number, the higher is the chance of your ticket getting confirmed.

3. Journey date/day:

It is believed that tickets are more easily confirmed on weekdays than weekends. Also, on popular holidays, the chances of confirmation are relatively much lower than that on normal days.
