Trains from BALLE-DA-PIR-LA (BLDL) Railway Station
Station Details
Total trains
Train Name/No. | Arrives | Departs | Duration | Day of Run | |
01606 Jwalamukhi Road - Pathankot Express Special (unreserved) | 12:17 | 12:18 | 1 mins | SMTWTFS | |
01605 Pathankot - Jwalamukhi Road Express Special (unreserved) | 00:01 | 00:02 | 1 mins | SMTWTFS | |
01608 Baijnath Paprola - Pathankot Express Special | 14:34 | 14:35 | 1 mins | SMTWTFS |
Welcome to BALLE-DA-PIR-LA Railway Station, BALLE-DA-PIR-LA
The station code for this station is BLDL. A total of 3 trains pass through BALLE-DA-PIR-LA Railway Station. Get all the information such as - Arrival, Departure, Train Number, Stops, Stoppage time, Days of Run and Timings about the trains passing through BALLE-DA-PIR-LA.
Some of the trains that arrive at BALLE-DA-PIR-LA Railway Station are 01606 Jwalamukhi Road - Pathankot Express Special (unreserved), 01605 Pathankot - Jwalamukhi Road Express Special (unreserved), 01608 Baijnath Paprola - Pathankot Express Special
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. How many trains originate from BALLE-DA-PIR-LA Railway Station?
Q. What is the Indian Railway station code for BALLE-DA-PIR-LA Railway Station?
Q. How many trains pass through BALLE-DA-PIR-LA Railway Station?
Q. Is there free wifi available at BALLE-DA-PIR-LA Railway Station?
Q. When does the first train arrive at BALLE-DA-PIR-LA Railway Station?
- The first train, Pathankot - Jwalamukhi Road Express Special (unreserved) (01605), arrives at BALLE-DA-PIR-LA Railway Station at 00:01.
- For more information on train schedules, arrivals, and departures from BALLE-DA-PIR-LA Railway Station, kindly visit our website.