The Curious Case of the Sahara Desert! Snow Blankets the Sand

Where there’s sand, now there’s also snow – go figure! In a week that was already marked by weird weather phenomena, there comes another one. The Algerian town of Ain Sefra witnessed snowfall in the early hours of Sunday morning. Now, that’s fascinating! The Algerians woke up to nearly 16 inches of snow with the entire desert almost fully covered with a white blanket. Although rising temperatures melted it away later that day.


Ain Sefra, also known as ‘The Gateway to the Desert’ has witnessed three snowfalls in almost 40 years. Snow in the desert is unusual, yes, but not unheard of. If anyone needed proof of global warming, this is a spot-on example. It should make us strengthen our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet.


Picture Courtesy: CNN

Keeping all that aside, snow over sand in the Sahara Desert presented a stunning spectacle, beautifully captured by local photographers and satellites. The pictures speak for themselves, behold!


Photo by: Geoff Robinson