Sorry Bollywood! Twins can no longer be separated at Kumbh

Bad news for bollywood script writers!

There was a time in hindi films when losing a sibling at a Kumbh Mela was all the rage 😉 but sadly in these modern times, technology has come to the rescue for those who might get separated in the largest religious gathering on earth. 

Still confused? Check out these 5 reasons why losing anything or anyone at Kumbh Mela 2019 is nearly impossible:

> No internet? Don’t worry! Around 4000 hotspots are being set up across the Kumbh Mela area to provide high-speed Wi-Fi for all the pilgrims and visitors.

> At Ardh Kumbh Mela devotees must keep their identity cards handy. A devotee should also keep a phone number of a family member who can be contacted in case of any emergency.

> An Integrated Control Command and Centre has been established for the first time in the Kumbh area. It will control the traffic movement and the crowd.

> For better crowd management Ardh Kumbh Mela 2019 will also witness the use of artificial intelligence for the first time this year.

>  To monitor various movements across the mela area over 1,000 CCTV cameras will be used.

So all the bollywood script writers out there, you might have to seek elsewhere for stories on separated twins. LOL. 😉 Till we meet again, happy travels!