Six coaches of Manduadih Express derail at New Delhi Railway Station

On late Thursday night, at least six coaches of Manduadih Express train derailed at New Delhi Railway station. Although, there are no casualties or injuries reported as yet.

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This incident took place around 10.30pm when the train departed from the New Delhi railway station. The train had still not completely left the platform when the last six coaches got off track. This incident created a lot of chaos with panicked and restless passengers. After the derailment, the departure time of the train was rescheduled to 1.00am. The last six bogies of the train were removed and were replaced by fresh ones.

The Additional Divisional Railway Manager (ADRM) reached the spot in order to take the stock of the situation while a number of arrangements were made to evacuate the passengers.

Naveen Parsuram, ADRM, at the time of incident told, “The reason of the derailment is not known as yet. It will be ascertained after inquiry. As of now all the passengers who were in the derailed bogies are being shifted.”

The first six months of 2017 reported 29 train accidents, of which 20 were due to derailments, killing 39 people and injuring 54.