Shameful Act! Another Train Destroyed by Passengers within months of upgradation

In a bid to provide better services to the passengers, Indian Railways spend a handsome amount of money to update trains and bring new technology. Instead of benefiting from the change, news of passengers damaging the trains is always on the top.

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Just after getting modern Linke Hofmann Busch (LHB) coaches with upgraded features, Mumbai- Manmad Panchavati Express is vandalised by the passengers. The total upgradation costed Rs. 38 crore to the Indian Railways. According to recent updates, the vandalism and theft left the Central Railway Zone with a repair bill of around Rs. 9 lakh. This cost does not include the cost of paint required to cover hundreds of paan stains and other defacements.

Sunil Udasi, Central Railway’s Chief Public Relations officer, in a recent interview said that it would be difficult to maintain reasonable standards if such acts of vandalism don’t stop. The Central Railway appealed to railway passengers to help them curb vandalism and maintain the service.