Reality Check! 4 Travel Predictions for 2018

2017, in part, was all about Instagram, or in other words, showing off to the world about how amazing your life is. A new travel trend that came to life was that of Ecotourism, which saw people opt for greener getaways. The talk of the year was visiting the vanishing places of our Earth, or so some of the articles suggested.


Now that we are in 2018, what do you think travel fads and fashions would come to be? We’re here to tell you. Pay attention, they’re already happening!

Digital Detox

Now that everyone has put everything amazing they’ve done, visited or even ate on Instagram, they’ve decided (and others will follow) to take a break from everything digital.  Expect forest bathing, historic pilgrimages, silent spas and health resorts to popularize the ‘Zen Zone’ many have decided to escape to.


Away from the Crowds

The more popular cities of the world – Rome, Paris, Amsterdam and the likes have been seriously hit by ‘overcrowding’. In this scenario, many have begun reconsulting the map looking for the quieter places, the hidden gems so to speak. This trend of easing the strain from the more-famous cities and going off the beaten path is on the rise.


Drone Takeover

While ‘Selfie Sticks’ were the most trending (and annoying) travel accessory of 2017, drones are ready to take over that title from them in 2018. Drones are becoming increasingly accessible as well as affordable, making selfie-loving geeks much too happy.


The era of Carry-on Meals

Budget airlines, in a bid to go long-haul, will stop serving food aboard flights. Food Delivery giants like Seamless, Ubereats, and Deliveroo will soon be developing fly-friendly menus available for pick-up at your designated gate. Some airlines will even install self-catering kitchens, pay-per-use, of course.


The rest of the year will tell us about how these predictions fare! Till then, keep travelling!