Railways to Completely Automate Signalling System Soon

In the forthcoming budget, complete modernisation and automation of Indian Railways’ entire signalling system is likely to get the nod among other safety measures. This project is marked at a whopping cost of Rs. 78,000 crore.

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A senior Railway Ministry official said, “The modernised automation of the signalling system aims to enhance safety and speed up train movement in a congested network.”

With an increase of Rs.10,000 crore from the last one, the Railways is likely to get Rs.65,000 crore as gross budgetary support (GBS) this time. The Railways is planning to go ahead full throttle for generating funds from internal resources and the market in order to meet the needs of infrastructure development and safety-enhancement measures.

As a part of the upgradation agenda of the Railways, the existing signalling network will get replaced with a state-of-the-art system along with the proliferation of electronic interlocking systems, the introduction of the European Train Control System Level-2 and mobile train radio communication systems. There is a detailed plan to change the system over the next five years.

To step up the country’s growth momentum, investment in the rail sector is crucial. The safety-enhancement measures are likely to get a further boost in this budget with the signalling automation move.

The budget will be presented amid rising global crude oil prices and dipping of goods and services tax (GST) collections.