Pray and Wander – The Spectacular Saga Dawa 2019  

Celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervour, Saga Dawa is the biggest festival in the state of Sikkim. It is observed to commemorate Lord Buddha’s birth, his attainment of enlightenment and salvation from this world.

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The celebration began on 8th June and will continue till 26th June. Though the festival is celebrated throughout the month, the peak of activities take place on the holy day of Saga Dawa Duchen i.e., 17th June 2019.

A visual treat, this festival offers the best platform to get a sneak-peek into the rich Buddhist culture. Some of the important rituals that take place during this festival include reading of holy scriptures called ‘Kajur Texts’ and lightning of butter lamps that lit up the entire area. A colourful procession of monks playing musical instruments, carrying holy texts, portraits and statues of Lord Buddha is a major attraction.

On the final day, devotees from across the country gather on the streets of Gangtok and other cities to pay their gratitude to the lord and receive blessings.

Five main locations where this festival is celebrated are —

Mount Kailash – Prayer flags, kora and rituals
Lake Lhasa – Fish liberation, rituals and others
Lake Manasarovar – Swan spotting, religious walk, holy dip and others
DzongyabLukhang Park – Afternoon picnic
Lingka – song and music performances

Imagine colourful flags swaying with a backdrop of snowy mountains and prayers in the air! What a wonderful setting….isn’t it?