PM Modi Addresses the Nation: Here are the highlights

Narendra Modi in his recent speech announced a special financial package for the nation. 

Some of the highlights include —

1– The decisions by the RBI combined with today’s financial package announcement includes Rs. 20 lakh crore relief package, which is almost 10% of the country’s GDP. This package will stimulate the country’s economy to a great extent. He also said, “We are making reforms to ensure that rural India stays free from the COVID crisis.”

2– Self-reliant India is the need of the hour.

3– This magnificent building of self-reliant India will stand on five pillars —

Economy — An economy that brings quantum jump, not just incremental change

Infrastructure — An infrastructure that becomes the hallmark of modern India

System — A system that is based on the technology-driven systems that fulfil the dreams of the 21st century, not the policy of the past century

Demography — Our vibrant demography is our strength and source of energy for self-reliant India.

Demand — The cycle of demand and supply chain in our economy, the power that needs to be harnessed to its full potential

4– The 4th phase of the lockdown will be different from the previous ones. The announcement for Lockdown 4.0 will be made before May 18. Stay tuned for all the updates.