OMG! 5 Terrifying Bridges You Wouldn’t Want To Cross

*Remember these scary bridges aren’t for the faint of heart*

Did you know “gephyrophobia” is the fear of bridges? Even if you do not suffer from this phobia, these following bridges will surely bring out your worst fears. (Dramatic Sound) 😉

U Bein Bridge, Myanmar

U Bein Bridge, MyanmarThe first on this list is the oldest (and the longest) teak footbridge in the world, U Bein Bridge. It still looks like it is under construction, but is not! The bridge is Myanmar’s most photographed sites but as there are no guardrails, don’t try to get too close to the edge.

Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia

Langkawi Sky Bridge, MalaysiaTravelling to Malaysia anytime soon? If yes, then do visit Langkawi Sky Bridge, located at the peak of Gunung Mat Chinchang mountain. The view from the top is to die for (not literally ok?) 😛

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Eshima Ohashi Bridge, Japan

Eshima Ohashi Bridge, JapanPicture Credit: eshima oohashi 04

Want to go on an adventurous ride? Hop-On! Eshima Ohashi bridge located in Japan is like a giant roller coaster. The bridge has a 6.1% slope and is 144 feet high. If this isn’t scary, then we don’t know what is?

Hussaini Hanging Bridge, Pakistan

Hussaini Hanging Bridge, PakistanHold on tight! The next bridge sways in the wind. Yes, you read that right, Hussaini Hanging Bridge is one of the most dangerous bridges in the world as Hunza River flows right below the gap-filled structure. Woh! 😮

Storseisundet Bridge, Norway

Storseisundet Bridge, NorwayHow about driving over a bridge that looks like it is going to collapse? Well, we are not kidding here! Although Storseisundet Bridge is extremely scary, it does give some of the most breathtaking views of Norwegian. 😀

So, are you up for this adventure? Let us know! Till we meet again, happy travels!