Nom Nom Nom! Top 5 Foods Worth Travelling For!

If you love food as much as you love to travel, then the world awaits, my friend! There is a whole lot of great cuisine out there waiting to be explored and feasted upon.

Check out our list of top 5 foods that are worth travelling for:

Be Warned: The siren call of these yummilicious delicacies might just have you buying a plane ticket!

Spaghetti Carbonara, Italy

The pizza is good, the prosciutto is amazing, but nothing is as incredibly tasty and well-prepared as the spaghetti carbonara in Italy. Try this in Rome!


Bluff Oysters, New Zealand

Available for a few months of the year, the bluff oysters are salty and creamy and worth your time in New Zealand. The best ones are available in Auckland!


Nasi Lemak, Malaysia

Known as the breakfast of champions, Nasi Lemak is heaven on a plate. Served as a plate of coconut rice with boiled egg, spicy curry, sliced cucumber and a handful of dried anchovies, DO NOT miss this dish when in Malaysia.


Kubideh Kebab, Iran

From feta cheese to delectable stews, Iran is a hub for great food. The best one of all is the classic dish of shish kebab made with minced, spiced lamb prepared over hot coals and served with basmati rice.


Apple Pie, The Netherlands

The Dutch are not exactly famous for their cuisine but yes, they are well-known for their apple pie. A Dutch apple pie is a yummy treat made with big globs of apple, cinnamon and raisins in a sweet pasty.


With the above list, it is time to fuel your foodie wanderlust, right away! Thank us later!