15 Things You Wouldn’t Believe This Jacket Can Hold

With several gadgets and pieces of equipment bustling in the market every now and then only to impact and enhance the way we travel, the end consumer is left with innumerable quandaries. It doesn’t matter if it’s a short two days trip or a week long holiday- your necessities remain the same; everything that fuels for a comfortable ride.

What a marvelous miracle this apparel company has fabricated for travellers which remain extraordinarily outstanding. BauBax’s latest invention will take your breath away; a jacket with 15 built in gadgets which will resolve various issues at once.

Basically, you can now carry many things with the help of this jacket and still have everything organized. On the plus side, you needn’t carry all the other stuff.

  1. Inbuilt eye mask
  2. Inflatable neck rest
  3. Drink pocket
  4. Microfiber cloth
  5. Sunglass pocket
  6. Eyeglass pocket
  7. Hand warming pocket
  8. Earphone holders 
  9. Phone pocket
  10. Zipper- pen+ stylus
  11. Passport pocket
  12. Blanket pocket
  13. Gloves
  14. Portable charger pocket 

The compact drink pocket is our favorite; say goodbye to the spilling and scattered drinking experiences. A traveller couldn’t thank much for this genius inventiveness which will lead to less clutterless and more organisation while travelling.

This masterpiece will come in four versions: wrinkle free blazer, windbreaker, bomber, and a sweatshirt– for both, men and women. Addendum to it is the variety of colours, which indeed is a major concern for fashion freaks.

Source: www.kickstarter.com

About the author: 

Shewali loves to cook. She is mostly travelling; if not blabbering or gorging. That’s all folks!