Zodiac Signs and Their Travel Traits..

Admit it, we are all curious kittens when it comes to our star signs. There is a certain enigma attached to the way the stars and planets influence our lives. And like many of our traits, our travel habits are also influenced by our zodiac signs.

Let the stars guide you where your heart belongs!

Adrenaline Rush for Aries

Fierce, hot and pumping with energy, those ruled by the Aries sign like places, things and people that challenge them. In order to squeeze the most out of a vacation, an Aries person would channelise all the adrenaline into activities for maximum thrill.

Perfect places: Dubai, South Africa, New Zealand, Uttarakhand



New Zealand

Sheer Indulgence for Taurus

Taureans know how to holiday! They know a vacation is meant to break free and let go of the routine and they make sure they get want they want. A lot of pampering, living the good life, drinking fine wine and just putting your feet up — these are the things that define a break for them.

Perfect places: Seychelles, Provence, Denmark, Kerala


Social Serenades for Gemini

Gemini people lead an active social life and look for the same vivacious lifestyle when on vacation. They make friends easily and are drawn to places where people are open and friendly. A buzzing nightlife and a multi-cultural vibe are what they look for in a destination.

Perfect places: London, New York, Hong Kong, Mumbai


Quietude for Cancer

Family is what matters the most to Cancerians and they prefer places where they can travel together. These water babies love to be surrounded by sea or ocean and find tranquility in homely lodges, bed and breakfasts or homestays.

Perfect places: Maldives, Romania, Sicily, Coorg


Glitz Blitz for Leo

Thinking of the perfect destinations for Leos, I can’t help but hum Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi”! The glamour quotient is so high among Leos that they won’t settle for just about any destination. Opulent surroundings, dazzling lights, haute couture…you get the drift.

Perfect places: Milan, Paris, Miami, Ibiza

Moulin Rouge

Perfection for Virgo

At times, Virgos can be sticklers for perfection and this reflects in their travel style as well. They will have a fixed itinerary and they will ensure that they stick to it. You cannot fool them as they like to analyse things and observe the world with a keen eye. They look for the right mix of heritage, culture and modernity.

Perfect places: Morocco, Tokyo, Bhutan, Kolkata



Crazy Escapades for Libra

The perfectly balanced Librans look for some craziness and funk on their vacation. The otherwise sober sunsign break loose and want each one of their holiday to have a touch of madness. They love exploring new cultures and often prefer backpacking trips.

Perfect places: Caribbean Islands, Rome, Buenos Aires, Ladakh


Romantic Retreats for Scorpio

Scorpions prefer exotic locales and places that are off the beaten track- a place where they can spend a romantic holiday without much chaos and interference. Destinations with a strong reading culture along with cosy cafes or isolated beaches or off-the-route hills are where they would want to lose themselves.

Perfect places: Venice, Moscow, Prague, Udaipur


Explore Galore for Sagittarius

Like a little child on sugar high, a Sagittarius person loves to bounce, play and explore new places. Forever on the quest for knowledge, Sagittarians have a free-spirited nature that opens doors for new experiences.

Perfect places: Egypt, Istanbul, Tanzania, Shillong


Organised Fun for Capricorn

Meticulous, ambitious and inquisitive, Capricorns play the field very cautiously when it comes to travel. They love visiting historical places and love to know how the cities and places came to be. A Capricorn would want to know “why Rome was not built in a day”! Majestic hotels, grand forts and deserted kingdoms are what they fancy.

Perfect places: Cambodia, Vienna, Quebec, Varanasi


Hidden Treasures for Aquarius

Aquarians love to dig deep and go back in time with every vacation they take. Unexplored places, hidden gems and offbeat destinations are their thing. A bit of history, a dash of mystery — this is what drives an Aquarian.

Perfect places: Peru, Berlin, Iceland, Andaman and Nicobar Islands


Peaceful Paradise for Pisces

Dreamers at heart, Pisceans love to relax and reflect upon the world around them. They like to switch out the world and go into a mode of self discovery. For them, a tranquil beach, yoga retreat or cruise works the best.

Perfect places: Canary Islands, Sweden, Netherlands, Pondicherry

We hope these travel destinations for your zodiac sign were able to strike a chord with you. Make this year, the year of travel, roam the world and let kismet play its cards!