Indian Railways Plans To Cancel Certain Trains. Here is why!

In order to serve passengers in a better way, Indian Railways is all set to cancel certain trains. However, it is still not decided as to which trains will be targeted by the Railway Board.

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As per the internal committee of railways, trains having low occupancy will no longer be in service. Also, halt timings will be reduced to improve punctuality of trains. “In case of low patronisation of trains, they should be cancelled and passengers adjusted in available trains,” said the report.

The cost of a train stoppage ranges from Rs.12,716 to Rs.24,506. So, the Railway Board  officials have already issued directions for zones to list uneconomical halts. They are asked to either eliminate them or reduce their timings.

As a short-term goal, it has proposed fencing of tracks to keep humans, vehicles, and cattles away. Among the long-term measures, the suburban and mainline corridors will be separated.