India Under Lockdown: Dos and Don’ts

United we stand divided we fall…

As we fight the battle against Covid-19, here is a list of FAQs regarding the lockdown.

हिंदी में पढ़ें

>What is a lockdown?

During a lockdown, one has to stay where he/she is, preferably home. Any congregation of more than five people during a lockdown is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.

> Can I book online cabs like Uber/Ola?

No, most states in India have placed a ban on public transport. However, some states will allow taxis to go to hospitals and airports. Uber and Ola have already suspended operations in Delhi.

> Are any private cars and two-wheelers allowed?

Yes, but only for essential purposes. One may be stopped by the police for questioning.


> Can I walk my pet in my colony?

Yes, but please avoid groups and don’t stay out for long.

> Will any local store operate?

All commercial establishments, shops, godowns, weekly bazaars, factories, offices, workshops have closed their operations.

> Will my driver or maid be able to come to my house?

Yes, but they may be questioned for venturing out of their homes.

> Will I be able to buy petrol/diesel?

Yes, petrol pumps, LPG and oil agencies are still operational.

> Can I go to a hospital? What if I need medicines?

Yes, hospitals and medical stores will remain open.

> Can I order any item for delivery?

Yes, food items, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, groceries, dairy products, general provision stores will be open. Also, take away and home delivery services of several restaurants will remain open.

> Will I be able to withdraw money from ATMs?

Yes, cashier and teller operations of banks (including ATMs) will remain open.

> Will the internet services and couriers be suspended?

No, all telecom, internet and postal services will continue to operate during the lockdown.

Please be safe and stay at home!