India-Myanmar-Thailand On Road: An Iconic Journey

A perfect road-trip pick-me route from India-Myanmar-Thailand has finally been put to service and we can’t be happier. What a brilliant juxtaposition of nature’s serenity and enthralling adventurous experience it is.

Throw some amazing songs on repeat and watch how you start from Southern Asia and slowly mingle with the pride of Southeast Asia- Myanmar, Laos and finally Thailand.11987117_10153605939543270_5300051695613405473_n

The construction of this highway started in the early 2012 with special assistance from Thailand. The route will start from Moreh in India to Thailand’s Maesot via Myanmar’s Tamu, Mandalay and Myawaddy.

Pretty soon, we’ll see buses running from India to Myanmar, wherein Imphal and Mandalay will be connected to India.

  1. The road is 4,500 km long which has cut and reduced several long patches into short ones.
  2. On an average, the potential time you’d take to cover this route is 14 days.
  3. This highway is part of Asian Highway project which will be everyman’s anthem to connect within Asian boundaries.
  4. Similar agreements have been signed by 32 countries to allow highway across the continent and eventually reach Europe.
  5. Widely considered to one of the most popular destinations of all time, India and Europe along with United Nations  (ESCAP) joined hands for the fragmentation of this project.

Travelling is about diving into various cultures, entailing the beauty in your eyes before you capture another one and enjoying the reminiscent sights of your dreams. Let’s take you on a short trip right now.

A grazing pasture awaits your journey aheadshutterstock_239869228

Silk Route, Sikkim

Of stupendous vegetation and colossal ethnicities

Ravangla, Sikkim

Reaching Assam, Nagaland and Manipur through the same beautiful escapade, your next destination lies across the border, perched with utter grace.

Of rolling glory and gilded pagodas scattered everywhereshutterstock_302572958

Bagan, Mayanmar

And as you begin end the atypical feeling in your heart, you will encounter this…

Plunging waterfall that emancipates breathtaking viewshutterstock_260136146

And then comes the architectural masterpieceshutterstock_148376930


Bidding adieu to all this can be difficult, we firmly understand, but you must gear up for another marvellous feat


There’s room for everything and everyone in Thailandshutterstock_227981773

Start with witnessing the marvels within your country and slowly take strides for a happening worth killing for.

About the author:

Shewali loves to cook. She is mostly travelling; if not blabbering or gorging. That’s all folks!