India fights Coronavirus: Here are 5 Heartwarming Stories No One is Talking About!

As the number of coronavirus cases continue to rise in India, one can sense the fear and tension in the atmosphere. In the middle of the nationwide lockdown, positivity is tough to find.

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Still, there are plenty of reasons to not lose faith in our ability to beat the coronavirus. Yes, there is STILL a silver lining.

We bring you 5 news stories that will remind you that all is not lost, and together we can fight this virus:

1. Dolphins are being spotted near Mumbai shores

Dolphins have been recorded swimming and playing near the Mumbai seashore. Dolphins are believed to be returning to the region because of the lack of major fishing activities and movement of huge ships near the state coastline due to coronavirus outbreak.

2. Monk’s Free Hospital is Helping Ladakh Battle Coronavirus 

49-year-old Buddhist monk Lama Thupstan Chogyal, who runs a free hospital called Ladakh Heart Foundation, is helping Ladakh give a strong battle to coronavirus. His hospital, medical staff and facilities are helping authorities effectively isolate coronavirus-suspected cases in the state.

3. Rare Turtles are Returning to Orissa’s Coast

More than 8 lakh endangered Olive Ridley turtles have returned to Orissa for mass nesting. This development was severely disturbed for the past several years because of crowds, ships, and constant tourist movement. This year, the turtles are estimated to lay about six crore eggs.

4. Bangalore Woman Helps Deliver Groceries to Senior Citizens

32-year-old Aishwarya S is helping senior citizens in Bangalore who are under self-isolation by delivering groceries and medicines to them on her bicycle. She is taking all the necessary precautions for hygiene. Her kindness inspired thousands of others to help do the same in the city.

5. Air Quality has Improved All Over India

The air quality levels have significantly improved in Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmedabad and many more cities thanks to empty streets. The air quality indexes in these cities have gone from ‘hazardous’ to ‘good’ in just one week. As about 1.3 billion Indians stay indoors, birds are flying across a clear blue sky in the country.

We hope that these stories will help restore your faith in these difficult times. Don’t forget to wash your hands, stay indoors and share this story with your loved ones to give them a dose of positivity. Stay safe, everyone!