How To Deal With Annoying Co-passengers

Do you get petrified at the thought of sitting next to an irritating passenger, who is quite capable of turning your travelling experience into a nightmare? Well, we know how to deal with annoying co-passengers. Read on to find out more!

Tolerance is the key

There’s no harm in tolerating your annoying co-passenger for a bit. Let some time pass and see how it goes. You never know you might just find a great company in him/her. And, just in case nothing really changes, move on to #2.


Say hello to your headphones

If you are not a music lover, act like one to save yourself from the situation. Just nod your head or tap your foot as if you are religiously listening to your playlist even if you are not! In other words, pretend as if you are all set to rock at the concert. This will definitely deter contact of any type. Tried and tested, you see!



It’s all about the seat

If you bump into someone who’s ready to sacrifice his/her seat for you, please make sure you grab the opportunity with both hands or else be prepared to tolerate your annoying “not-so-cool” seat-mate.




Keep calm and count 1, 2, 3……

Counting works best, especially when your co-passenger is a child. Breathe in, breathe out, count till 10 and think of things that make you happy. And your problem is solved. Tada!


Sharing is caring, oops distracting, we mean

Offer a book/magazine to the person sitting next to you. A preoccupied person hardly gets any chance to annoy people around him/her.




Fall asleep

Falling asleep or pretending to do so is the simplest of all. This trick works well with all kinds of travellers–annoying, talkative, stupid or funny.  





Ignorance is bliss

Your co-passenger may or may not take your ignorance in stride but will definitely get a hint that you don’t want to be bothered, strictly! It may sound rude but this may be your best recourse.

Ask for help

If you think nothing is working well for you, ask for assistance from a TT or flight attendant depending on what mode of transport you are using. This may not be the best way to go about solving your problem, but then you really don’t have a choice.


Follow these simple steps on how to deal with annoying co-passengers and write to us about your next travel experience with a co-passenger.

About the author:

Pritha Manchanda loves to play with words. Simplicity and creativity comes naturally to her! That sums up all.