How air travel has evolved amid the coronavirus pandemic

Yes, travel has begun..but it’s not the same anymore

After coming to a near standstill due to COVID-19 outbreak, air travel has finally resumed. But to stop the virus from spreading, here are the 5 major changes that have now become a part of air travel:

Mask, mask everywhere! 

You might forget a few things to take along, but never forget to carry a mask and wear it at all times.. All passengers must wear protective gear such as masks, gloves, etc.

Social distancing is the new norm

Click selfies, not groupies, please! Post lockdown, a passenger will be only allowed into the terminal building if his/her flight is within 4 hours. Also, to maintain social distancing among passenger seating areas, chairs will be taped off or marked.

Search Flight

No more last-minute marathons

With multiple health screening and safety measures being put in place, passengers now have to report to the airport at least 2 hours before a flight.

Cleanliness is the key!

Airports in India are trying their best to maintain high-level sanitation to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus. 

Travelling light

Gone are the days of carrying 2-3 baggages. Only one check-in bag and cabin bag is allowed now.

Till we meet again, have a safe journey folks!