Horoscope & Travel Signs – Featuring Leo.

Well, I probably need no words to explain how Leos are. Reason, these people can be spotted in a crowd of hundreds of travellers. He/she is the one who’s at the top of a trek, before anyone’s reached even in a half mile radius.

They might even have pitched that luxury laden tent of theirs on the peak, stirring (at least trying) some local dish over the merrily crackling bonfire. That’s the typical Leo for you. Adventurous, food addicts, quick learners, and the ones who treat money as paper; all for the love of travelling.

Trying to match that love of travel and pomp, ixigo has picked an entire country for them. Yes, the wondrous Alpine country of Liechtenstein. While there’s Leh, Coorg, and Udaipur that might fit their itinerary equally well, this one is a happy, unexplored surprise.



Michael Gredenberg

Michael Gredenberg

Ehh.. With a country comes its royal palace, Schloss Vaduz. Though Liechtenstein seem just like a dot on world map, with its 35,000 inhabitants and all, it has got a castle. And yes, a prince. Forgive me if that reminds of you Count Dracula, or his castle. There’s no link between the two, not at all. Watch in sheer fascination as Alps stand guard to this ‘royals only’ property.



Official Website

Official Website

Leos simply cannot stay still. While they were kids, a lot of energy on the part of their parents might have gone into making them complete a lesson before going to the park. People, having Leo for a sun sign, are always on the go. Almost always. Thus, I found that Liechtenstein has an intriguing 400 km of trekking trails! Steel ropes, shoes, spikes and all, it’s a Leos day(s) out. Featured here is a glimpse of the Drei Schwestern Trail.



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Official Website

When I’ve already picked an entire country instead of a city, I thought it would be better to let the whole idea stay in sync. Thus, instead of a restaurant for the hungry Leos, I’ve got a village that’s dotted by the best restaurants of the country. Drive in to set a new definition of the term ‘village’ and, of course, to gorge over traditional Liechtenstein food. That, in the picture, is Chääschnöpfli.



Official Website

Official Website

Satiated with a good fill of hiking and food, the next thing on a Leo’s itinerary might be some learning. Especially arts. And though it might read too liberal to say art is “splattered” in this country, it’s true. Be it the roads, city halls, town squares, villages, alleys – there are sculptures, museums, art galleries and more. Buy some, see some (when it’s not open for buying). The sculpture in the photo is Phoenix by Doris Bühler. Bang next to the Vaduz town hall square.



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Official Website

For some travellers, exploration ends with a precursory browse through the itinerary. But, thankfully, Leos do not make for such travellers. If anything, they are more of explorers. Busy in devising their own itineraries. Thus, I concluded that the little explored mountain huts of this country will be a perfect fit in their list. That, if they’ve made a list. Here’s the unreal looking but really real Gafadurahütte hut.



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Official Website

Travelling in this country can be fulfilling, even overwhelming. For the sheer beauty of it. Yet Leos aren’t the ones to take a rest in the hotel room. Quite aware of the fact, I found this nugget of heaven for them. Now, it’s time to doze off in a meadow that’s an inherent characteristic of the Alpine meadows. This one is near Steg. Sleep.



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Official Website

If you can’t sleep more, here’s another wonder of this country. Might read like a thing for kids, but let’s settle the fact that Leos had never been able to smoke out that flame of childishness in them. And a ride in the Citytrain at Vaduz is just the thing for it. As for that flame, it might crackle merrily. Hop on.

Assured that you have now fallen in love with this little, great country, I’m off to scour through more of the traveller’s world. Virgos are the next in line. A breed that is, at large, hard to please.

Let us know how intensely you fell in love with Liechtenstein. Or, if you need any help in planning a trip to it, leave a comment.

About the author

Shikha Gautam loves to play with steering wheels, roads, words, flute and guitar among other things. Not necessarily in that order! You can contact her on twitter @Shikha Gautam