Hey Leo! Let the Stars Guide You to your Next Vacation

Let’s be honest, how many ‘places to visit in 2019’ listicles and ‘horoscope forecasts’ have you already read this year? Mmm…a lot right? Well just to make things clearer to you, we have taken some cue from the stars and made you a list of fab destinations according to your 5 characteristics. Cool, isn’t it?

So, prep Up! It is time you update your travel bucket list #ASAP.

No.1 Characteristic: Adventurous

Save: Bring out the adventurer in you at Rishikesh

Splurge: See the thundering Niagara Falls in Canada


No.2 Characteristic: Vibrant

Save: Rajasthan is a must visit for the colourful soul

Splurge: Escape your greyish surroundings and travel to New York

shutterstock_764400091No.3 Characteristic: Energetic

Save: Goa needs no introduction!

Splurge: Amsterdam is your city for all the good reasons 😉

shutterstock_302761289No.4 Characteristic: Independent

Save: Ladakh is the perfect holy grail for all young backpackers

Splurge: Rome is the ultimate place to take the solo trip of a lifetime

shutterstock_583745923No.5 Characteristic: Curious

Save: Tired of the known tourist trails? Visit Chembra Peak, Kerala

Splurge: Beat the crowd, and rush to Beppu, Japan

shutterstock_325023899So…what do you think? Let us know. Till we meet again, happy travels!