Here Are The Top 6 COVID-19 Related Terms Everyone Should Know!

With the rising cases of coronavirus, one is also witnessing a whole new set of terms related to the disease. 

Here is a list of COVID-19 related terms that one should know: 


Containment zone: Ministry of Health defines a COVID-19 containment zone as the area where positive cases of coronavirus are found. These are created to map the local transmission of the disease and contain its further spread. 

Mapping of containment zone: A containment zone is outlined based on the number of positive cases and its contacts in an area. 

Buffer Zone: A buffer zone is an additional 5 km radius; 7 km in rural areas, identified around the epicentre. 

Hotspot: The area where an unusual transmission of coronavirus has taken place. 

Flattening the curve: Flattening the curve implies slowing down the rate at which the disease is spreading. The way to flatten the curve is by taking precautions such as washing hands, wearing a mask and practicing social distancing.

Community Spread: Community spread refers to the process when the virus begins to spread to the general masses without having a known origin. In case of coronavirus, it happens when a person without any travel history or interaction with an infected person contracts the virus.