Has India’s Lockdown Helped In Containing Coronavirus?

This is India’s fifth week under lockdown, and even though the increase in cases has declined significantly, there is a long way to go for our country to flatten its curve. 


Key points: 

  • The total number of positive cases of coronavirus in India have crossed 26000. 
  • If India wouldn’t have opted for the lockdown, the current number of cases would have been in lakhs. 
  • On March 24, the day the lockdown began, the daily growth rate of COVID-19 cases in India was 21.4% 
  • As of April 25, the government said that the daily growth rate of COVID-19 cases in India has dipped to 6%
  • In the past few days, the doubling time of COVID-19 cases has increased from 3 days to 9.1 days. 
  • Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka have witnessed a steady decline in the number of COVID-19 cases. 
  • Gujarat had zero cases of coronavirus before the lockdown but is now seeing a steady increase in the number of cases.
  • India has considerably increased COVID-19 testing in all states. 
  • India’s recovery rate is averaging at 20%, which is better than in several other countries. 
  • Several states including Delhi, Maharashtra, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Bengal are planning to extend the lockdown.  

These are uncertain times for the entire world. As responsible citizens, we must follow all the necessary guidelines issued by the government. We request our readers to stay at home as it is crucial in the fight against coronavirus.