Future Of Flying: Detachable Cabins To Cut Boarding Time

There are probably several things that frustrate you while you prepare yourself for flying, and waiting would be one of them. The ordeal of having to wait for boarding an airplane is boring, time-consuming and tedious and airlines hate it as much as you do. Whenever an airplane isn’t flying, it is making no money and airlines can’t take that.


According to the recent patent filed by Airbus, detachable cabins will become the future of flying. This concept would require both airports and rival aircraft companies to basically change their entire mechanism of functioning. It’s one of those phenomenal flying plans which set an era apart for an industry.

  1. By reducing the turn-time even by 10 minutes, airlines improve their functioning by 8.1%.
  2. Airplane cabins will thus function similar to shipping containers.
  3. Filled in 2013, this patent just got approved by United States Patent & Trademark office
  4. It will comprise a floor, an upper aircraft fuselage portion connected to the floor, and a first and a second end wall. The first and second end walls, the floor, and the upper aircraft fuselage portion form a cabin for transport of passengers, baggage, freight or combinations thereof.
  5. Once everyone is seated, the detachable pod will be lowered onto the place. As soon as the plane reaches its destination, the pod will be removed, another will be added and in no time it will take off.
    This will be called “aircraft pod concept”.

This has been done to save time and bring efficiency in the system. Passengers could be pre-seated in the pod before the plane actually arrives. Two important concerns for this project are:

  • The airplane shouldn’t pop-off during the flight
  • Change in the airport infrastructure to support this system

Designing an airplane and bringing a revolutionary technology often takes more than a decade and a change of this sort will definitely demand a lot of time. So even though it isn’t coming anytime soon, it is on its way.

About the author:

Shewali loves to cook. She is mostly travelling; if not blabbering or gorging. That’s all folks!