Indian Railways is planning to reduce the travel time between Delhi to Mumbai from 17 hours to 12 hours. As per the sources, the plan emphasizes on increasing the speed of railway lines to 200 km/hour. Currently, the Gatimaan Express, running between Delhi to Agra, is the fastest train with a maximum speed of 160 km/hour.
Improving the electrical systems and enhancing the quality of tracks will be given high importance in this plan. The implementation of this new project is planned to begin in 2018 and will take 2-3 years for the completion. It is estimated to cost a whopping INR 18,163 crore.
The average speed of Indian trains is slower by over 100 km/hour. The premier Rajdhani trains currently run at an average speed of 75 km/hour, the Mail trains at around 52 km/hour and the goods trains move along at a speed of 22 km/hour. ย