Centre of attraction at Kumbh 2019: ‘World’s Largest Seed’

Do you know what’s attracting eyeballs at Kumbh 2019? It is a double coconut palm seed weighing a whopping 30 kg. Yes, that’s true!

According to Botanical Survey of India (BSI) scientist, this seed is the largest in the world.

The seed belonged to a tree which was planted in 1984 at the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden near Kolkata. The tree had flowered after 112 years. Also, the tree, which is now raised only in two African islands is on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s global Red Data list for species under threat.

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Not only this, an image of a giant banyan tree advertised as the world’s largest, is also drawing attention of visitors at the famed Mela.

Note: The tree does not have a main branch since 1925.

So, what are you waiting for? Book your tickets to Prayagraj right now. Till we meet again, happy travels and Namaste!