Book Tickets 30 Minutes Prior To Departure

Indian Railway has finally waved its magic wand, enabling railway bookings 30 minutes prior to the journey. In an utterly strong move last week ( November 8), Indian Railways made changes in the booking system, chart preparation and refunds available on tickets.

  1. Passenger Reservation System (PRS) will allow passengers to make bookings 30 minutes prior to the departure of the train, depending upon the availability of the berth.
  2. Chart preparation will be done twice- 4 hours prior to the departure and 30 minutes prior to the departure.
  3. Bookings will be allowed on internet and ticket counters.
  4. Passengers holding RAC/ waiting list ticket will be given the opportunity to cancel their tickets 30 minutes before the departure.

A senior official in Railway Division said- “Immediately after preparation of first reservation charts, reservation will again open at PRS counters as well as on the internet (e-ticket) and passengers can book the available accommodation in the train for full or partial leg of the journey, in case there is no RAC/waitlist for that leg.”

Adding to the aforementioned, new refund rules have been added to the list.

  1. Refund will only be made 4 hours prior to the journey. No such queries will be entertained after departure.
  2. Cancellation fee for the second class has increased from INR 30 to INR 60, however, the third AC ticket will cost Rs 180 as against Rs 90 earlier.
  3. Sleeper class cancellation has increased from INR 60 to INR 120. The second AC has doubled from INR 100 to INR 200.
  4. Between 12 to 4 hours of scheduled departure, cancellation fee will be 50%.
  5. To allow refunds on unreserved tickets, the railway has opened up several counters.  

New Refund Rules regarding train ticket cancellation w.e.f. 12 November

Posted by Ministry of Railways – India on Saturday, 7 November 2015

We reckon that the Railway has geared up against corruption and malpractice being conducted under the realm of reservation. With this, we’re hoping that the nearing future will be free from touts, fake bookings, and trouble with reservations.

About the author:

Shewali loves to cook. She is mostly travelling; if not blabbering or gorging. That’s all folks!