#BeatPlasticPollution: Party Capital of India Bans Plastic

India’s favourite beach destination, Goa has introduced a ban on single-use plastic items. Effective immediately, Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC) announced that plastic items like glasses, bottles, cups and straws have been banned from hotels operating under it.

The decision of banning these elements is a part of the New Year Resolution of making Goa completely plastic-free by 2022. Items like water, tea, coffee, etc. will be served in cups made of paper, glasses, reusable metal or glass bottles.

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In April, plastic bags below 50 microns were banned in Panaji, Mapusa and Margao. In June, villages like Aldona, Moira, Colvale, Nachinola, Camurlim and Calangute also banned the use of plastic bags. Growing plastic has become a crucial concern for the coastal state. Such steps will definitely help in making Goa cleaner and greener.

As per recent studies, plastic bottles constitute about 20 per cent of water pollution in the oceans. The tourism industry has been facing this issue for a while now and this announcement comes as a big relief. To minimise plastic use, hotels and offices will soon install water filters and dispensers.

If you also wish to contribute to the cause, all you need to do is opt for a stay in one of the GTDC hotels and say a big NO to plastic.

Let’s stop Plastic Pollution!