Around The Globe On Cargo Ships

Cargo ship travels, as covert as it may seem, is an extraordinary way of travelling that is well suited for utopian travellers. As you read this, someone somewhere is enjoying the gush of strong winds blended with the taste of water in the Caribbean Sea.

To begin with, I won’t tell you that cargo ships are any cheap from the usual cruises. They’re almost equally priced. Although, cargo ships are way better than cruises and let me tell you why.

About Cargo Ship Travel:

  1. Cargo ships cover obscure routes of water and land. Their route is different from the mainstream ship cruises, thus making them a traveller’s delight.
  2. Unlike cruises, cargo ships run throughout the year.
  3. Passenger accommodation is top class in a cargo ship, comprising of a private washroom and other facilities.
  4. The entire cargo can accommodate less than 12 passengers only. Any more than that requires a doctor on board.
  5. Passengers on the cargo get to dine with the captain and are served 3-course meals every day.
  6. The cost of travelling for a person is approximately $550. One can carry as much luggage as they want; there are no extra charges for that.
  7. With indoor games, swimming pool and several other recreational activities, one is bound to feel relaxed.shutterstock_84407854

Must haves:

  1. Visa – Several countries demand visa even on the sea routes.
  2. Medical certification– Validation of good health if travelling to the Suez and Panama Canal
  3. Buffer Time– In most cases the timings of cargo ship get delayed or advances from the due date, therefore, it’s better to have buffer time prior and post the journey.


What to know before travel:

  1. Check whether your travel insurance covers freight travel or not.
  2. Make bookings well in advance to avoid high charges.
  3. The uncertainty of timings, travel and nature of sea can be a big issue.
    Do carry medicines to fight seasickness.

shutterstock_164333438There are quite a few cargo shipping companies that offer this service with pure luxury. While cargo travels are priced at par with the cruises, one must be assured about the ceaseless beauty that the journey entails.

These trips may last 40-45 days compared to the 12-13 flying hours but they offer a better experience, Bank Line voyage & Singapore through to Houston are two of the best sea routes to explore.

About the author:

Shewali loves to cook. She is mostly travelling; if not blabbering or gorging. That’s all folks!