After Vizag Gas Leak, Government Issues New Guidelines for Restarting Industries

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has issued guidelines for restarting manufacturing industries after lockdown. The guidelines come after the Visakhapatnam gas leak incident where at least 11 people lost their lives and about 1,000 others were affected. 

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Here are the guidelines:

1) Factories must consider the first week as the trial run period, ensuring that all safety protocols are being followed instead of focusing on achieving high production targets.

To minimize the risk of disasters, employees who work on specific equipment must be made aware of the need to identify abnormalities like strange sounds or smell, exposed wires, vibrations, leaks, smoke, abnormal wobbling, and other potentially dangerous signs.

3) Factories must ensure that all lockout and tagout procedures are in place on a daily basis.

4) Regular inspection of all equipment must be carried out as per the safety protocols during the restart phase.

In case the industry has any difficulty in managing crucial backward linkages that may be critical for their safe functioning, they should approach the local district administration for specific assistance.

Coronavirus Update:

Total confirmed cases – 63,400

Active Cases – 41,866

Recovered Cases – 19,421

Deceased Cases – 2109