7 Tips To Ensure A Safe Train Travel This Diwali

The festival of light, prosperity, and happiness; the festival of Diwali is just round the corner. Though the ways of celebrating this festival might vary from region to region but the main theme that remains the same is the triumph of brightness over darkness. Some of the fascinating Diwali traditions include get-togethers, feasting on traditional sweets, lighting diyas, decorating homes, offering prayers, exchanging gifts, and wearing new clothes.

For those who are travelling through trains during this festive season, here are 7 things you must keep in mind —

Prebook your tickets and accommodation

Since it is a festive season, there are minimal chances of getting a confirmed reservation or accommodation at the last minute. It is advised that you make all the bookings in advance to enjoy a hassle-free travel later.

Crackers are strictly prohibited

To control alarming pollution level, Supreme Court has banned the sale of firecrackers in Delhi-NCR region during Diwali this year. Carrying crackers and any other inflammable items like gas cylinders, acid, petrol, etc. is strictly prohibited while travelling in trains. Make sure you don’t have any of these, or you might land yourself in a big legal trouble.

Getting late and chasing the train

You don’t want this happening. Right? Since it is a festival season, you are likely to find traffic jams everywhere. Instead of a chaotic run from your home to the railway station, it is advised that you arrive at the station on time and wait for the train.

Don’t carry extra cash in your wallet

As the stations will be crowded, there are chances of you getting pickpocketed. Make sure that you don’t carry important documents or a lot of money in your wallet or purse.

Less is always Better – No extra packing

You are traveling during the festive season and preparing you for the worst, you might have to roam around a lot with your luggage. Make sure your bags are light enough to be carried around easily.

Avoid binge eating station food

Because of festivities, there will be a lot of food options available everywhere. But be cautious about the food you are consuming keeping in mind if it is hygienic or not and if your body can digest it. We are sure, you would not want to fall sick during this time of the year.

Carry essential items

Don’t presume that the things you need will be available at the station or the nearby places. Make sure that you carry basic medicines and all the things you need for a comfortable journey.

Keeping all these tips in mind, you can make your train journey safe and memorable. Ixigo team wishes a safe Diwali travel for everyone and a joyful celebration to follow!

Happy Diwali!!