5 Things to Start Your New Year with: The Travel Edition

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis

Happy New Year, y’all.

Adding to your celebrations, here are the five things you can start 2024 with – the travel edition.

Travel on your mind? Book here:

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1. Set realistic travel goals

If you are reading this while you are on vacation, then kudos, we are so proud of you. And if not, how about setting some travel goals for yourself in 2024? Start with taking at least two trips this year. Brownie points if you go on more. Make a bucket list and plan out your vacations in advance. Resolve to disconnect and recharge for a while on them. 

2. Say YES to new experiences

New experience - road sign concept

You can only meet the best version of yourself once you get out of your comfort zone. Many of us have been living safe, risk-free lives that are far too comfortable. Break the monotony and start saying yes to new experiences/opportunities as they come your way. This is not a resolution, but something you should make a way of life in order to achieve success and happiness. 

3. Explore your own city/state

If you are not able to travel, how about a city break? Explore the hidden gems in and around your city. It could be anything from a cute cafe or museum to parks where you can soak in the sun alone or with your closest friends and family. 

4. Start writing a travel journal 

Gift yourself a journal this year and start jotting down your travel experiences. Take it along with you whenever you are on vacation or write when you are back. You can also add a few polaroids/photographs to it. It can help express yourself and become a better writer if you are one already. 

5. Learn a new language 

You need to immerse yourself in the local culture for an ultimate experience on your vacation. And the best way to do that is by learning the local language. This will help you better communicate with the natives, and they will appreciate your efforts. Also, you will be charged less by them if you know a few local phrases. 

Happy travelling! 😀